Thursday, July 31, 2008

West Coast of Lombok

There are three small islands off west coast of Lombok, namely Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Terawangan. All with beautiful fine white sand beaches. This is one of the pretty spot at Gili Terawangan. Great thing about these islands is the local rule that all engine-powered land vehicles are not allowed to operate on the islands .........

On the way to the islands, a lovely display of coastal line of West Lombok may amaze us with its steep rocky wall, coconut trees, and colorful sails of local fishermen's boats, returning home after spending all night at sea ...........

Senggigi Beach is the most recommended spot in West Lombok. There are some nice hotels in this area, also some economy hotels for backpackers. For sunset lovers, this is the best location. This image was captured about 15 minutes prior to sunset, instead of capturing the sunset sky -most people do- I aimed my shot to this beach at time it was showered by goldish tone of the sunlight ...........

From under shade of dried-grass-roof hut at Gili Meno, amazing view of Gili Terawangan surrounded by clear blue water is a great nature treat. I don't think anybody want to leave this spot .......... I spent as long as the time I had in this spot. Just enjoying the view ....

After being beaten for hundreds years or may be longer by the waves, these cliffs are still standing. Very persistent ........

A natural small lake, surrounded by mangrove forest is another natural attraction at Gili Meno. This image was taken during dry season .........

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